Sign Up for February Staff Trainings

Below are training topics, dates, and registration links for the staff training available in February. Targeted Advertising Outreach  Are you an admissions representative interested in leveraging your marketing budget to boost your prospect pipeline? We’ll discuss how the national media buy works, how a targeted buy can help your center and the Job Corps digital […]

Sign Up for January Staff Trainings

Below are training topics, dates, and registration links for the staff training available in January. Welcome to Job Corps  This webinar will provide an overview of Job Corps’ recruitment efforts and resources available for recruiting young men and women. Additionally, the comprehensive marketing and advertising strategies of Job Corps will be covered to provide insight […]

Student Welcome and Retention

073123 JCMarketplace Toolkit Images StudentWelcomeRetention

The Student Welcome and Retention Toolkit contains communications resources to introduce newly accepted students to Job Corps and prepare them for life on campus.